Monday, October 27, 2008

This week is TRUNK OR TREAT

Alternate Schedule: Please bring your costumes with you to LOGOS. At 6:00pm instead of our usual dinner ritual, the children will meet parents and change into costumes. A dinner of hot dogs and other snacks will be available as well as trunk or treating and festivities in the Fellowship Hall.

All are welcome- kids, adults, friends, family, and neighbors! Feel Free to invite someone to attend.

Park Safely to Protect Our Children: When you enter the parking lot after 5:30, the Trunk or Treat will be set up on the right side by the Fellowship Hall. If you are NOT passing candy from your trunk, please park your car on the left side of the parking lot.

Please make sure you come into the fellowship hall for some food and fun. We will have a ballot for the prizes for best kid and adult costume and best car decoration. There will also be our great door prizes. You may take home a prize from the Franklin Inn Mexican Restaurant, Mihelic's Shop 'n Save, the Pittsburgh Zoo or other cool stuff.

Cookies: Also, if anyone is able, I would appreciate some donations of baked or bought cookies, 1-2 dozen each. Please remember, we are peanut-free.

If you have any questions, please call or email me-412-759-9132.
See you Wed! Nancy