Sunday, March 20, 2011

Q: What Do Noah's Ark LOGOS Night, Soup 'n Inspiration, and Vacation Bible School All Have in Common?

A: Fun, Fellowship, Food, and Love for You!

We love you, we want you to join us (and in some cases we need you!) for these events.

1. The theme this week at LOGOS is Noah's Ark
Invite a friend or "two" to join the fun. There are only a few opportunities left to bring a friend this semester. Just give the church office a heads up so we can feed your friend well. Also, April 6th is our last day of LOGOS for the 2010-2011 Year. Nancy is planning a potluck and "Best of LOGOs" Program for that day. Stay tuned for more details.

2. Join us this Wednesday for Soup & Inspiration

While your LOGOS age children are eating something "two x two" the rest of the family is welcomed to join us for some homemade soup, bread, and dessert at 6pm. At 7pm, guest Speaker, Dr. Dean Smith, Chair of Biblical Studies at Geneva College will be presenting on "Anticipations of the Messiah." There will be child care at 7pm. The school-age children can hang out and do their homework and the little ones can play in the nursery while the adults attend this discussion from the Book of Isaiah.

3. Shake It Up Cafe Vacation Bible School
Mark Your Calendars....a great time is being whipped up and the only ingredient missing is you. We are now accepting volunteers (adult and teen) and registrations for children (age 4 thru 6th grade). Visit the VBS Blog for more details. Feel free to contact Wendy Cibula for more info at Print out and bring the registration form with you on Wednesday for the Early Bird Registration. It helps us in planning and is much appreciated. Share it with a friend too. You can find the registration form on the blog or here:

If you have any questions contact Nancy Wise at 412-759-9132 or the church office at 412-366-1338.
Thanks for being a part of the LOGOS program. See ya on Wednesday.
For info & updates regarding LOGOS at Heritage More info about heritage church More info about the LOGOS Ministry and Parenting Tips